Welcome to our guide on the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs). This framework has been developed by the World Gold Council to provide a clear understanding of what responsible gold mining entails. At Erasano, we strongly believe in responsible sourcing and ethical practices, which is why we have included this guide in our resources page to help educate and inform our customers.

What are the Responsible Gold Mining Principles?

The RGMPs have been designed to provide a comprehensive framework for gold mining companies to address environmental, social, and governance issues in the gold mining sector. These principles have been developed in collaboration with leading industry stakeholders, including the world’s leading gold mining companies, and are intended to consolidate existing standards and instruments under a single framework.

How were the Responsible Gold Mining Principles developed?

The development of the RGMPs went through a rigorous consultation and review process, including two phases of external consultation. More than 200 organisations and experts submitted comments, representing the views of government, international organisations, civil society, supply chain participants and investors. The feedback from these consultations helped to inform the development of the principles, ensuring that they are widely recognised and credible.

What is the Assurance Framework?

Companies implementing the RGMPs will be required to obtain external assurance from a third-party, independent assurance provider. This assurance will provide further confidence to purchasers of gold that the gold they buy is responsibly mined and sourced. To support a consistent approach to assurance, an Assurance Framework has been developed, which will assess both processes and performance. Implementing companies will be required to publicly disclose their conformance with the RGMPs and the external assurance on this disclosure.

Equivalency with the ICMM’s Mining Principles

We recognise that there are a number of standards that support the broader mining industry, and we are pleased to have worked with the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) to develop an equivalency table, which shows a high degree of alignment of our respective frameworks. This will support efficient implementation and assurance for companies implementing both frameworks and benefit investors, consumers and other stakeholders who seek to understand how miners perform regarding recognised responsible mining standards.

At Erasano, we are committed to responsible sourcing, and we hope that this guide has helped to provide a better understanding of the Responsible Gold Mining Principles. By implementing these principles, we can ensure that the gold we source is produced responsibly and ethically, giving our customers confidence in their purchase.